2L DIGITAL Everything about Particle Effects


This lecture is part of the "Core Techniques and Algorithms in Shader Programming" tutorial at the Game Developers Conference 2007. More information on the other sessions in this tutorial can be found on the tutorial home page.

The idea behind this talk is to give a broad overview about all the options in the development of a state-of-the-art real time particle effects system.

Main topics:

  • Basics of particle physics
  • Comparison of various options for CPU or GPU execution of the simulation
  • Advances in lighting and high quality rendering
  • Performance optimization tricks and considerations
  • Extensive reference section with example implementations

GDC 2007 Presentation Slides, enhanced web version (PDF, 2.2 MB)

For further information contact: Lutz Latta (llatta at 2ld.de)

Big thanks to Wolfgang Engel for organizing this tutorial!

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<Last update: 3 March 2007>